I. Roemercohorte Opladen e.V.

Latest news

Roman weekend at Landesmuseum Mainz

Once again we were allowed to set up camp at the Landesmuseum Maiinz and were able to impress the visitors with a selection of military and civilian topics.

40 years of I. Roemercohorte Opladen

We celebrated our 40th anniversary with numerous guests at Villa Borg.

Roman Army at your service

The I. ROEMERCOHORTE OPLADEN e.V ("First Roman Cohort of Opladen") is a historical society which aims to reconstruct the equipment, the way of life and the everyday duty of the Roman Army and its civilian surroundings by re-enacting ancient Roman life as authentically as possible. For more than 30 years this has been done by reconstructing several items of daily use, both large and small. Many activities are carried out in cooperation with archaeological museums, where we then present the results of our work to the public.

For museums
Prsentation for museum visitors | © I. Roemercohorte Opladen e.V.
For Media
Romans in front of the camera | © I. Roemercohorte Opladen e.V.

At a glance

Next Event

17.8. - 18.8.2024

Großes Römerfest am LWL-Römermuseum


All events

Legio VI Victrix

Until the turn from first to second century AD the legion was stationed at Novaesium (Neuss) and then at Vetera II in the vicinity of Xanten.

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Whether border guards, scouts or transport mission: Auxiliaries were an indispensable part of the Roman army.

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Styling and wellness in ancient Rome - Colorful hair and nourishing face masks are not inventions of the modern age!

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Zeichnung eines römischen Legionärs aus dem Logo der I. Roemercohorte Opladen e.V.