I. Roemercohorte Opladen e.V.

International Museum Day in Bad Dürkheim

On the occasion of International Museum Day, we were guests in Bad Dürkheim on 21 May with many different themes - not at the Roman winery in Ungstein, as is usually the case with our performances there, but this time at the town museum. Already on the street, a legionary invited the guests to come in and two leather tents in the courtyard completed the small soldier camp. Of course, the hand mill, which was used to grind grain for the typical soldier's porridge, could not be missed here. At other stands in the courtyard and in the interior of the museum, we also presented wool processing, bathing and the production of scented oils and ointments. In splendid weather, we were thus able to give the numerous, very interested visitors a varied insight into everyday Roman life.


Zeichnung eines römischen Legionärs aus dem Logo der I. Roemercohorte Opladen e.V.